Adept search marketing puts businesses in a position to take full advantage of internet traffic that is waiting for them. It may surprise you that research find that as many as 79 percent of search engine users say they almost always click on naturally found search results, while 80 percent of search engine users say they rarely or never click on the sponsored search results.
It is increasingly more imperative that company fine tune their search marketing efforts.
Perhaps you are in need of more effective social and search marketing, a foray into social network advertising or find people are having a hard time finding your company on Google rankings. STaying abreast of new information and being informed puts businesses in a position to take advantage of internet marketing and social media changes.
Consider that 64 percent of smartphone owners shop online using their mobile devices, and according to reports by online retailers and service providers, over 39 percent of all customers come from search. Something to think about when considering angles for search marketing.
It is a new age for communication as rapid technological changes have altered the market place and served to change the way people must look at how they are reaching their customers. Indicative of such game changing technology, internet search marketing efforts can be boosted tremendously by utilizing search engine optimization (SEO).
Also, studies show that 42 percent of people who use Internet search engines click on the top ranking link, and over three quarters of search users choose organic results over paid listings.
Here’s a good one for trivia, the “PageRank” algorithm process is named for Larry Page, co founder of Google.
By 2016, more than half of the dollars spent in the US retail sector will be influenced by online marketing and web presence, making search engines and search marketing increasingly more crucial. In 2012, 88 percent of US internet users ages 14 researched products online.
Some info that may raise eyebrows: On average, companies respond to only about 30 percent of their social media fans or followers feedback.
It is found that companies that blog, the most effective way to be social, have 434 percent more indexed pages, resulting in more leads. Stay informed about seo tips and understand the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine, generally referred to as an Internet marketing strategy.